Our Clients

Take a look to our recent projects

ITM website

Barberia Clandestina

Gusticos Lomel

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Our vision

At GoGo Toucan we dream of being the leading web development company in Costa Rica, creating original products for national and international clients. And be identified as a committed and innovative company for our employees and clients worldwide. Always focused on providing you with the best care and experience.

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Our Mission

Being a web development leader, innovating the design of interactive applications with the latest technologies on the market while guaranteeing the quality and originality of our products for our customers.

Our Team

Meet the people that make all of this possible

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Priscilla Rivera

Lead Designer

Priscilla in in charge of making every site we work on beautiful. Her passion is designing and creating new things.

Hiram Gonzalez

Lead Front-end developer

Hiram in in charge of the front end development of our websites, he is also in charge of the sales deparment.

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Jean Brenes

Lead back-end developer

Jean Carlos is in charge of the back-end development of our websites, he is also in charge of the hosting and server maintenance.